DTI approves SRP for 82 products | The Manila Times

2022-05-14 13:05:23 By : Ms. Tracy Hong

THE Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has approved a minimum rise in 82 basic necessities and prime commodities' (BNPCs) suggested retail prices (SRPs).

"These products include bread, canned fish, potable water in bottles and containers, processed milk, locally manufactured instant noodles, coffee, salt, laundry soap, detergent, candles, flour, processed and canned pork, processed and canned beef, vinegar, fish sauce (patis), soy sauce, toilet soap and batteries," it announced in a statement on Friday.

The new SRP of a 450 grams (g) Pinoy Tasty is P38.50, while the price of a 250 g Pinoy Pandesal is P23.50, according to the list.

The cost of 155 g of canned sardines in tomato sauce ranges from P13.40 to P17.65.

Meanwhile, prices run from P6 to P85 for 325 milliliters (ml) to 7 liters (L) of distilled water; P5 to P19.50 for 300 ml to 1 L of purified water; and P6 to P75 for 330 ml to 6 L of mineralized water.

The new SRP of a 390 g Jersey Sweetened Condensed Creamer is P38, with prices ranging from P32 to P50.50 for 168 to 300 ml of condensada; P40 for Angel Filled Milk; P24.50 to P29.75 for 370 ml of evaporada; and P44 to P95 for 150 to 300 g of powdered milk.

Costs for a 55 g locally manufactured instant noodles range from P7 to P8.25.

The new prices range from P18.10 to P40.50 for a 25 to 50 g coffee refill and from P4.10 to P8.25 for a 17 to 33 g coffee 3-in-1 original.

SRPs for iodized rock salt range from P7 to P23 for 250 g to 1 kilogram (kg) and from P4.50 to P29 for 100 g to 1 kg of iodized salt.

A 360 g of detergent/laundry soap costs between P16.75 and P23. Candles range in price from P31.50 to P167.

Prices for a 165 g luncheon meat range from P33.50 to P35.50, with prices for 150 to 170 g meat loaf ranging from P18 to P22.75, P20 to P39.75 for 150 to 175 g corned beef and P17 to P24.90 for 150to 200 g beef loaf.

A 200 ml vinegar refill pack now costs P7.50, while the 350 ml PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle costs P10.40 to P16.50.

Patis costs P21.25 to P29.75 per 350 ml PET bottle, while the 150 to 350 ml budget pack costs P10.50 to P19.50.

SRPs ranges from P10.05 to P10.30 for a 200 ml soy sauce refill pack and P19.10 to P20.10 for a 150 to 350 ml PET bottle.

Costs run from P15.50 to P44.75 for a 55 to 130 g toilet soap.

Finally, batteries are priced at P27 to P196.50.

"The department carefully evaluates the requests for price adjustments from the manufacturers of BNPCs under the DTI's jurisdiction," Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez was quoted as saying.

"It is imperative that the DTI and the industry collaborate to ensure the consumers of high-quality products at affordable prices," he added.